26th Feb 2011.
The day of excitement as i'm skipping 7 classes and taking my flight to KUCHING,SARAWAK!!!again!
After programing class,11.30am my parents came and picked me up.
We arrived at the airport around 12.10pm. LCCT is huge now, and dad drove off to park the car. At 12.30pm, me, my mum and bro finally found the check-in counter. While waiting for my dad to come,i went and look around. i realized there weren't many place to sit, and the place is filled with people rushing with luggage and baggages. For me, taking airplane has been a routine kind of thing that i faced every CNY. as routine can cause us to loss our guard and unaware of the time i wasted rooming around, i checked my watch, 1.25pm...
"Flight AK5220 departure 1350pm. OPss? still have less than an hour! and where is dad??? he hasn't check-in YET! should we leave without him?? Mum wants to stay behind to wait 4 him?! I have to bring my bros to broad? Mum! Dad! Oh GOD! 1.40pm. ~dong dong dong dong~Paging for Alexandrea Sim Li Na................Please be at gate 11 as ur flight to kuching is leaving in 2 mins. 1.45pm...tick tock...
What should i do?go aboard without mum and dad? or wait...?hoW!!? Lord! help us!!! " what will u do?....
i plead with the officer. but she was heartless. The gate was closed, that indian lady locked it! leaving 3 little hopeless students standing around aimlessly.
When faith starts to say 'just believe in Me', i saw just the hope i need. 2 old couple running! without thinking much, we took our things and start calling the officer! Thank God, she helped us. Using all the strength, all 7 of us (including another 2 late comer ) ran to the big plane. We find our spots and sat down. after discussing what took my dad so long, we praise God for the arrangement and what had just happened. Supposedly the bus driver ignored my dad's request and did not make the early stop, we would surely miss the flight. First time ever, the latter silent in the comfortably small cabin, only God knows how grateful we are for the blessing He poured in our life.
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