Last night, i just found out my group report was a jumble. after much thougths, i guess there nothing i can do to save the report, unless God helped me in the presentation.
Truely, this morning class at 8am was a miracle. I woke up at 6am, did some final editing, rush to class at Old flat there, check the system, recheck the presentation and... there come our Lectuter, sharp at 8am,on time as usual. throughout the whole hour i was praying for confidence, for smooth running presentation. and there it goes, my laptop attacked by viruses, slide edit again, need to rush n print out slides for sir, printed wrong, missing group member... what a last minute work~~ n i have to blame myself for being weak. as the presentation starts, hiccups after another...
Finally, it is over. Time for comments of improvement. In Him (Christ) I am strong, and Sir was satisfied with OUR PRESENTATION!!! AMEN! all praise and glory to Him most high!
i guess now i can have my beauty sleep and anticipate for the next work He is going to show.^^ thanks to AhLong for the video! so, wondering what was the presentation? here is an hint.